The contribution will allow the ROC to increase its monitoring capacity for the Black Tern, and with it, promote the preservation of this species that is in danger of extinction.
With the objective of strengthening the joint work that has been carried out in recent years, through different monitoring actions at the nesting sites of the Black Tern and continue the monitoring that the institution does, during February, in Arica, Redinter completed the delivery of five camera traps to the Bird Observers Network of Chile.
Camera traps are audiovisual equipment that have a thermal and movement sensor, which is activated when an animal passes in front of it, so they are very useful for studying this species that has the particularity of nesting in the saline cavities that are form on the desert surface.
David Montero, Country Manager of Redinter in Chile, assured that "for a few years we have been working together with the Red de Observadores de Aves de Chile to protect the Black Sea Tern, and this donation is in the same vein. As a company we have the responsibility of being a contribution to our environment and the sectors where we carry out our work. From Redinter we want to strengthen our commitment to being a sustainable company, developing each business activity with absolute respect for the environment”.
Anita Flores Vásquez, Seremi de Energía de Arica y Parinacota, assured that she was grateful for the donation made to continue consolidating the work of the ROC. “They are strategic allies for any development project, both energy and other economic items for the region. We value the efforts made by private companies such as Redinter, in how to develop our energy matrix hand in hand with the guidelines established by the Government of our President Gabriel Boric; We are an ecological government and we want there to be development, but that it be a sustainable development”.
Also, the authority assured that “in the desert there is life and it is important to value it, respect it and preserve it. This type of donation follows this approach, and I also call on other companies that are going to develop energy projects to follow Redinter's example of implementing this type of methodologies and showing that energy development can effectively be carried out in line with the environmental guidelines and current legislation.”
Along the same lines, the Executive Director of the ROC, Ivo Tejeda, assured that “this equipment is very useful to complement the monthly monitoring of nests of terns that we carry out, being able to provide new information on the biology of this species. Knowing aspects such as the timing of visits to cavities by adults, the moment when the fledglings begin to leave the nest, or the presence of predators or other threats, allows us to design and implement better strategies for the conservation of these birds. marine”.
The black tern is an endangered bird and little was known about it, since its habitat is the open sea of the South Eastern Pacific Ocean, which makes it very difficult to observe its behavior. Along these lines, these new cameras will allow the ROC to increase its monitoring capacity, and with it, strengthen the different actions that can be carried out to preserve this species.